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Leading CAFM and IWMS solution provider, Concerto, is thrilled to announce that it has been selected to provide solutions to two new Unitary authorities, Cumberland Council and Westmorland and Furness Council.


The current seven Cumbrian authorities will transition into these two new authorites which are effective from 1st April 2023.  The new unitaries will provide council services for their areas, currently services are split between districts and a county council.

The areas of Allerdale, Carlisle and Copeland will be serviced by Cumberland Council, with Barrow, Eden and South Lakeland coming under Westmorland and Furness Council. Core property and asset information will be migrated from multiple legacy property information systems and sources.

Concerto will deploy its integrated workplace management solution (IWMS) into the newly formed services which will support the master datasets and associated processes for managing the end to end lifecycle of each authority’s land and property portfolios.

Concerto Business Development Director James Heysmond stated, “We’re really proud to have been selected as the strategic partner to supply our IWMS solution for this major local government transformation project. Concerto IWMS will be the nucleus of each Councils land and property information, it will play a vital part in enabling the newly formed Authorities to understand the current and future state of their new combined property portfolios.”

Part of Bellrock Group, Concerto provides modern digital property and estate solutions. The CCS GCloud13 framework can be used by any public sector organisation, from Central Government, Affiliated agencies, Local authorities, and establishments within the National Health Service.