About Gateshead Council

Gateshead Council’s Property Services Section, part of the Development and Enterprise Group, provides a comprehensive property management service for the Council and other public sector organisations in the area including managing the property database for the Northumbria Police Authority.

The Section is responsible for managing the Council’s operational and non-operational property portfolio including educational establishments. Their responsibilities include acquisition and sale of assets, delivering capital works programmes, managing maintenance and repairs and tenancies.

About Bellrock Services

The Council selected the Concerto asset management module to document and analyse all assets across the portfolio as well as managing specific projects and programmes of work.

Deployed for general use by all stakeholders, Concerto is intuitive, and enables access to comprehensive information on assets and projects. Centralising information ensures a comprehensive and standardised database where documents cannot be duplicated and users receive alerts and request changes to streamline workflows and drive efficiencies.

The reporting module and management functionality are a highly tailored part of the system. The Council is able to adapt reports to the specific requirements of projects and their stakeholders, including the use of graphs and other visuals.

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Plugins for specialist applications such as GIS, CAD.net and Concerto Windows broaden the functionality.

Reduced number of software applications therefore decreasing costs and training.
Recommended the system to other Councils within the Octopus Group.

Solutions Provided By Bellrock

Working with Gateshead Council across our service lines
Software services
  • CAFM
  • Projects
  • Estates Management
  • Asset Verification
  • Analytics
  • Intelligent Workplace
Workplace and Compliance Sevices
Strategic Procurement
Health & Well-being
Intelligent Workplace
Supply Chain
Technical & Estate Services
Construction & Project Management
Building Consultancy
Mechanical & Electrical Consultancy
Asset Surveys
Property Compliance
Real Estate Consultancy
Mechanical and Electrical
Energy Management & Sustainability
Building Fabric
M & E Installations